We are proud to announce that our CTO, Matthew Chin, was invited as a guest lecturer on 21 March 2023 at UTAR, Kampar, to share his expertise on developing dependable and scalable microservices using CI/CD and K8s on Alibaba Cloud. As an Alibaba Cloud MVP and industry expert in cloud infrastructure and DevOps, Matthew’s lecture provided valuable insights and experiences for software developers and IT professionals.
During the lecture, Matthew began by introducing the concepts of microservices, CI/CD, and K8s, and their importance in modern software development. He highlighted the benefits of breaking down large monolithic applications into smaller, loosely coupled services and how automation can streamline software development and delivery processes using tools like Bitbucket.

Matthew then delved into the technical details of using K8s, a container orchestration platform, to manage and scale microservices in a cloud-native environment. He demonstrated how to deploy a sample microservice application on Alibaba Cloud using K8s and showed how K8s can handle load balancing, service discovery, and fault recovery automatically. He also discussed how K8s can integrate with other cloud services to provide a comprehensive solution for microservice development and deployment.
Throughout the lecture, Matthew shared real-world experiences and best practices from our company’s own journey in adopting microservices and cloud infrastructure. He discussed the challenges we faced and the solutions we found, such as using GitOps for declarative infrastructure management, adopting Kubernetes Operators for managing stateful applications, and leveraging Alibaba Cloud’s managed services for database, middleware, and AI.
We are grateful for the opportunity to have our CTO, Matthew Chin, share his insights and experiences on developing dependable and scalable microservices using CI/CD and K8s on Alibaba Cloud at UTAR, Kampar. His expertise and passion for innovation in cloud infrastructure and DevOps are truly inspiring, and we are proud of his achievements as an Alibaba Cloud MVP. We look forward to continuing to lead the way in cloud-native development and sharing our knowledge with the community.