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What is SEO

SEO, Search engine organization is lead generation, which is the process of determining and converting potential customers that are interested in a company’s products or services. By finding out your company’s leads, you can target your marketing strategies towards them, increasing the potential for sales.


Purpose of SEO

SEO aims to place a site in the top position of a search engine based on specific keywords. Thus when a site or blog is in the top position in search results there is a great chance for visitors to come. 


Our mission

Our lead generation services ensure that your company can reap the maximum benefits through the array of strategies we employ to direct leads to your website. As one of the top B2B (business-to-business) companies, we strive to help our clients achieve their goals of gaining more sales through lead generation.

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Why is SEO Important?

  • Helps People Find Your Website First
  • Builds Trust And Credibility
  • Helps Build Brand Awareness

When it comes to generating more business, there is no doubt that you need to generate more exposure to your offer. This means you’ll have to focus on various marketing methods to get more website traffic that can be converted into sales.

However, running ads or indulging in old-school, outbound marketing practices such as cold-calling can prove to be expensive, especially if and when you are starting out. Your aim should not only be to reach out to your target audience but also do it in a cost-effective manner.

Search engine optimization helps you gather qualified leads without being too heavy on your wallet. This can save your cost on any outbound marketing activities, and focus more on what works.

How do we do SEO services?

Developing SEO Strategy & Goals

Once the SEO company has completed an in-depth analysis of your current site and evaluation of your industry and target market, they can then work to help you make an SEO plan for the future. Developing a strategy and goals for your SEO campaign will depend on what type of business you have and what your overall business goals are.This plan will also include different strategies and tactics that can help you rank higher than your competition on the search engines.

Developing SEO Strategy & Goals

Once the SEO company has completed an in-depth analysis of your current site and evaluation of your industry and target market, they can then work to help you make an SEO plan for the future. Developing a strategy and goals for your SEO campaign will depend on what type of business you have and what your overall business goals are.This plan will also include different strategies and tactics that can help you rank higher than your competition on the search engines.

Setup of SEO Tools

Before we start executing the campaigns, we will determine which tools, dashboards, and other systems such as analytics programs that you will need to implement and monitor your SEO campaigns successfully. We will suggest the right tools for your SEO strategy and use them effectively to ensure that you’re getting the most out of your SEO campaigns.

Execution of Optimization

We will start to execute the custom optimization strategy. It starts with on-page optimization which refers to all measures that can be taken directly within the website in order to improve its position in the search rankings.This can include cleaning up some of the code on the backend of your website and making sure your site is mobile-friendly and easy to navigate. We will also compile a list of target keywords for you to use when creating content for the site. We will provide some suggestions for ways to improve off-page tactics which refer to all of the activities that you and others do away from your website to raise the ranking of a page with search engines. We may even deliver a detailed plan for how you can start to improve your site authority.

Ongoing Search Engine Optimization

We can provide continuous SEO services to help ensure that your site remains visible on the search engines. Ongoing search engine optimization services can include further keyword research, blogging services, link-building campaigns, and other on-page optimization tactics. We will stay up-to-date with the latest changes in search engine optimization, which allows us to update your strategy to ensure long-term success for your company’s site.

Case Study

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DisabledGo is an information provider for disabled people in the UK and Ireland. They provide information on many places to go that are accessible (i.e. bars, parks, cafes, museums, etc). The SEO service was tasked with helping DisabledGo execute an SEO migration strategy from an old platform to a new platform. The goal was to help DisabledGo acquire new customers while still retaining old ones.

They made sure that the move was as smooth as possible from an SEO point of view. For example, they implemented 301 redirects from old URLs to new ones across various forms of content. 301 redirects are ways to send readers and search engines to a different URL than the one that was requested by the server. This is a way to redirect users to a new page while still keeping 90-99% of the ranking power in search.

They also transferred metadata (titles, descriptions, and tags) to the new site, set up Google webmaster tools, and set up a new sitemap. The main goal of the project was to keep the site’s SEO alive throughout the migration, ensure that readers could still follow all the calls to action and navigate the site, and ultimately boost the number of new leads.

SEO Services helped DisabledGo boost their visitor numbers by 21% year over year. Because of the URL restructuring on the new platform, DisabledGo was able to rank higher than their competitors for keywords and phrases in their niche.

Frequently asked questions

Yes, as a business you will be better off with an SEO Service helping you out. Keep in mind that businesses will have different SEO needs. If you are a local business, you need local SEO. To meet those needs, you will be better off with professional SEO services helping you.

Yes, getting the services of an SEO service does work but like any other type of service provider, the results you will be getting depends on who you hire. Optimization is a continuously evolving process and only the companies that keep up with the trends and changes like W TECH can deliver results.

Generally, “search engine marketing” refers to paid search marketing, a system where businesses pay Google to show their ads in the search results.

Search engine optimization, or SEO, is different because businesses don’t pay Google for traffic and clicks; rather, they earn a free spot in the search results by having the most relevant content for a given keyword search. Both SEO and SEM should be fundamental parts of your online marketing strategy. SEO is a powerful way to drive evergreen traffic at the top of the funnel, while search engine advertisements are a highly cost-effective way to drive conversions at the bottom of the funnel.

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